Hello All!! Here is another Survey tip for you; we are trying to support all of you - Engineers and Surveyors alike. Stayed tuned for our next tip on PI Rounding. 
Good afternoon Mark,
Today you and I were talking about survey shots with a Start code creating curves. I do remember that there were three locations where this was defined, but where were they set again?
Thank you,
Here is the Zen Dude's response:
Hi Will!
The locations that control the curve creation and definition are here:
InRoads > Survey > Survey Data to Surface
InRoads > Survey > Survey Data to Geometry
InRoads > Survey > View Survey Data > Write Survey Data to Graphics
And the curve stroking is all controlled by the Chord Height value in the Survey Options so make sure that value makes sense relative to your data and how densely you want the curve stroking to be.
And just as a reminder, when exporting, I generally use the Horizontal Only setting because I don't feel that it's appropriate to apply vertical curve stroking to survey data. But that's partially based on my opinion of the results that occur.
Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about this.
Civilly yours,
- zen

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