An InRoads user asked for Mark's help to solve this problem he was having: 
Hi Mark,
The "extend the arc to close" doesn't seem to be working. Can you guide me through some troubleshooting to help solve this?
First, here is the setting of the control code in my XIN:
Second: Here is the coded FWD file and results:
Shouldn't this work?? Also, here is the "HELP" doc info for this issue but it doesn't appear to help with this problem.
I tested this on a random computer here in the office so it's not just my machine. Are there any other settings that are in conjunction with this process to complete the arc in the control coding? Seems kinda simple. I see nothing relating to an extend arc command in the style manager that could affect this. I feel like I'm reaching for straws on this one. Anyways...
Thanks, BH
Here is the Zen Dude's response:
Howdy BH!
Okay, let me start by saying I have no idea why that happens, and this problem doesn't really make obvious sense to me but regardless, it happens.
To make this short and sweet . . .
Here's my fieldbook test coding: (Three shots with the EXTARC Control Code)
This is what it looks like in my DGN file: (Ignore that chord line from the first shot to the last shot. That started happening in the more recent versions of InRoads Survey and just has to be manually deleted after committing the Fieldbook to Graphics.)
The reason that I've never run into this problem is because I'm personally always working in a 3D file when I'm in InRoads Survey.                                                                      
This is what the fieldbook display looks like when I open a 2D DGN file.
 So, the question is: are you in a 2D DGN file or a 3D file?
Civilly yours,
- zen

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