An InRoads user asked for Mark's help to solve this problem he was having: 
I'm using InRoads SS2 V8.11.07.536, and after making an edit to the vertical alignment, the Create Surface dialog opens. What setting would cause this? It's really annoying. 
Here is the Zen Dude's response:
Hello TF,
There are two things that activate this type of behavior. One toggle is in the Application Add-ins, and one is in the Variable Manager. You would want those options off if you are not using this functionality. Actually you have to have both of those toggled on to initiate that, so by toggling either one off it will stop, but I would just turn both off if you aren't using them.
If you want to know more about this capability let me know, but I assume that you really just find it bothersome and would like to disable it.
Here are the areas that control this functionality:
Enjoy!! I hope this helped. 
Civilly yours,
- zen

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